Frequent Asked Questions

Q) Is there any subsidy or funding provided by the university ?
A) At present, no subsidies or funding are available from Hiroshima City University. However, some financial support is available for certain applicants from Mayors for Peace organization below.

Mayors for Peace, a network of about 7,000 cities and municipalities in 161 countries and regions around the world, provides financial and other support to selected people (under the age of 40) from its member cities who would like to participate in the course, "HIROSHIMA and PEACE". Please refer to the following website for details on terms, conditions, and how to apply for this support.

Q) Does the program offer any support for visas?
A) Yes, we will be able to send you a letter giving the reason for the invitation and an itinerary. Please note that it will take 1-2 weeks to obtain a visa after applying for it.

Q) Does the homestay accommodation include meals?
A) Your homestay family will prepare breakfast and dinner in most cases. Lunch will not be provided by your homestay family.

Q) I hope to find out the daily transportation fee to the university from my host family.
A) It will be 800 to 1500 yen a day.

Q)Outside of the tuition fee, textbook and excursion costs payment, what other expenditures might I have during the program?
A) As well as your daily transportation fees (800-1500 yen a day) and daily lunch costs (500 - 1000 yen a day), please budget for the following -

  • Transportation from your arrival airport in Japan to and from Hiroshima
  • If you choose to dine out, expect to pay approximately 1000 - 3000 yen for dinner and 500 - 1500 yen for lunch. 
  • In addition, there may be some extracurricular activities social events costing approximately 1000 – 3000 yen.
  • If you stay at a hotel during your time in Japan, you will need to budget for this.

Q) Can I access the Internet?
A) Yes, Hiroshima City University has available computing facilities. We will give you an account and password to access the internet on campus. Wifi is available on campus, which you can access on your personal devices with the account and password provided.

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  • Brochure
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