国際交流・留学 International exchange and study abroad


受入留学生の体験記(2017年度 ドイツ・ハノーバー専科大学)


Cindy Nelkeさん [留学期間:2017年10月 ~2018年3月]

● 広島市立大学ではどんな勉強をしましたか?

 I study Digital Media at HCU, I liked the lectures, as they just contained a given task which was showed and discussed at meetings. That way the working times were really free, which is nice as an exchange student, as I wanted to have as much free time as possible to explore the country.
 I like the fact that the HCU has the International Room, I used to work there a lot, it is a nice atmosphere, as I mostly was alone while working there. Sometimes other exchange students also worked there, but there were never more than three people in the room. Also there are so many other things for the exchange students and the HCU takes a lot care about them, I did not expected that before I came here. Also the teachers always try their best to support the exchange students..




